Méghozzá nem is kicsit! A Google a filmekhez és a játékiparhoz hasonló korosztályok szerinti értékelést fog bevezetni minden apphoz a Marketplészen. A kitűzött időpont november 30, amikor is a fejlesztőknek az alábbi négy kategória valamelyikébe kell besorolniuk az alkalmazásaikat: All (A), Pre-Teen (P), Teen (T), és Mature (M).
Amelyik alkalmazásnál a fejlesztő nem választ besorolást, az automatikusan az M, azaz Mature (felnőtt) kategóriába kerül. Hogy jó ez nekünk, vagy sem, azt mindenki döntse el magának, a kíváncsiskodók a tovább mögött elolvashatják a Google által kiadott főbb irányelveket is.
Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs: Apps that include references to drugs, alcohol or tobacco products or their use should be rated “Teen” or above. Apps that focus on the consumption or sale of drugs, alcohol or tobacco should be rated “Mature”. Illegal activity or content that is targeted at minors is not allowed in Android Market.
Gambling: Apps with gambling themes or that include simulated gambling should be rated “Teen” or above. Real gambling is not allowed in Android Market.
Hate: Hate speech is not allowed in Android Market. If your app includes inflammatory content that may be offensive to many users, please rate it “Teen” or above.
Location: Applications rated “All” should not ask users for their location at any point. Apps that ask to access course or fine location data should be rated “Pre-Teen” or above. Apps that enable users to publish or share their location with others should be rated “Teen” or above.
Profanity and Crude Humor: Apps that include profanity or crude humor should be rated “Teen” or above. Sexual and Suggestive Content: Apps that include suggestive or sexual references should be rated “Teen” or above. Apps that focus on such content should be rated “Mature”. Pornography is not allowed in Android Market.
User Generated Content and User to User Communication: Apps rated “All” should not host any user generated content or enable communication between users. Apps that focus on allowing users to find and communicate with each other should be rated “Teen” or above.
Violence: Apps that include mild cartoon or fantasy violence should be rated “Pre-Teen” or above. Realistic or intense fantasy violence should be rated “Teen” or above. Graphic violence should be rated ‘“Mature”. Gratuitous real violence is not allowed in Android Market.